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When the economy goes into a slump, most salespeople follow. They allow the negativity of the media, other sales reps, friends and family members to affect their performance. Yet, in almost every organization, there are always one or two people who are really making things happen. They don't believe the down economy is negatively affecting their business, and as a result, they act and think quite differently than the masses.
Here are 10 key characteristics of those Super-Representatives:
- They understand that their thinking affects their results, and therefore refuse to dwell on the down economy, or be negatively influenced by people complaining about how bad things are.
- They make time to work on themselves. From books and audio learning, to sales training seminars on video, top sales professionals make time for self-improvement.
- They network with everyone, everywhere. Even in a tough economy, people are still doing business, and a referral is always better than cold prospecting. Join a morning networking group, or attend chamber of commerce functions. Anything you can do to raise your visibility will help you in a down economy.
- They know what they want. They have clearly defined goals, with deadlines to achieve them. The most organized people actually define their goals in terms of a 5 year plan. Long term perspective creates clarity of focus in life.
- They value their time. Rarely will you see a top performer chatting around the water cooler, or wasting time on non-productive activities. Remember, in sales, the only time you're really working is when you are prospecting, presenting, or closing.
- They eat for energy. Instead of donuts, they choose oatmeal. Instead of burgers and fries, they choose salads and healthy sandwiches. Instead of eating to the point of feeling stuffed, they take in just enough to feel satisfied.
- They welcome change. They know that change creates opportunity, so they are good at anticipating, preparing for, and positioning themselves for change. There's always a small percentage of representatives who do well, no matter what is going on around them.
- They treat their body like a Temple. They exercise regularly because they know it makes them feel better, they have more energy for their sales activities, and they are protecting themselves against disease. They don't wait for a doctor to tell them they have to ...
- They tap the power of their mind through meditation, visualization, and mental rehearsal. They understand the Law of Attraction, and how their thinking affects their attitudes, interactions, and results.
- They commit to being the best! They don't settle for mediocrity or good enough. They continuously strive for greatness, not to impress others, but for their own self-satisfaction in knowing that they are tapping their full potential.
If your sales are not where you need or want them to be, review this list daily, and ask yourself, "How can I implement these ideas in my life right now?" If you make the commitment to transforming yourself in any or all of these areas of your life, you are virtually guaranteed to enjoy greater success in your sales career, and in your life.
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